The Present Moment is Where– Jon Kabat-Zinn
Cynthia designs an individualized stress reduction program for you, including:
- Stress Reduction consultation
- Jin Shin Jyutsu® sessions
- Reiki sessions
- Instruction in deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation
- Meditation instruction
Stress Reduction Consultation
The key to stress reduction on a lifelong basis is the knowledge of how to respond to stress in our lives. The stressors in our lives often don’t change, but our response to them can. The above techniques each help to bring us back to the present moment, as the present moment is where change is possible.
Jin Shin Jyutsu and Reiki
The two ancient therapies of Jin Shin Jyutsu and Reiki both use a gentle touch
to the outside of the body, while the client is fully clothed resting on a massage table. These are holistic approaches that complement conventional medical treatment, and are used in a unique combination to meet each individual’s needs.
All of these techniques induce the relaxation response. The benefits of the relaxation response have been scientifically proven by researchers at Harvard University* and the University of Massachusetts Medical Center:
- Physiological response includes a decrease in pulse, blood pressure, respiration rate and overall metabolism
- Decrease in cortisol levels, pituitary, adrenal, and hypothalamus response
- 45% reduction in medical symptoms for heart patients
- 61% had a 50% decrease in chronic pain
- 39% reduction in anxiety, depression and hostility
The Relaxation Response, Herbert Benson.
Full Catastrophe Living, Jon Kabat-Zinn.
Medical Conditions Assisted
- Heart conditions: holistic support pre & post triple heart bypass & angioplasty; reduces high blood pressure & chest pains
- Breast cancer: holistic support during chemo & radiation treatments; reduces lymphedema
- Chronic pain: headaches, backaches, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, MS and chronic fatigue syndrome
- Mood disorders and recovery from emotional trauma: depression, anxiety, PTSD & sleep disorders
- Enhancing overall health & well-being
People normally respond to stress with the fight-or-flight response, which creates chronic hyper-arousal, leading to symptoms such as headaches, back pain, sleep disorders and high blood pressure. If stress is not addressed, eventually a physiological breakdown can occur, such as coronary heart disease. However, research has shown that simply bringing awareness to a stressful situation reduces adrenal response and lowers blood pressure.
Cynthia teaches mindfulness-based stress reduction. Mindfulness is a non-judgmental, moment to moment experience. Mindfulness practices allow us to soften to the stressors in our lives by bringing acceptance, kindness and gentleness to ourselves and the situation. Practices taught may include:
- Full body relaxation
- Deep breathing
- Sitting meditation
- Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help flows
- Meditation in movement through Tai Chi
Stress Reduction Programs for Medical Institutions
I am available to create and deliver customized stress reduction programs for hospitals and clinics. These can be extremely helpful to assist cardiac patients, cancer patients, chronic pain sufferers, and others, to maintain optimal health as their medical condition is resolving, and afterwards.
The core of each program will be based on Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Program, utilized at the Department of Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, adapted as appropriate for the needs of your institution’s patients. The program typically takes the form of an eight-week course in which patients undergo training in the daily discipline of mindfulness practice: full body relaxation, Tai Chi, yoga, and meditation. The curriculum would also include an in-depth look at stress management principles and homework assignments.
Please contact me to discuss your institution’s needs.
Links of interest
Learn more about Stress Reduction:
Jon Kabat-Zinn – Mindfulness Meditation Research
Dean Ornish Research to reduce your own stress, see this website:
Positive Pause
My physical therapist told me I’d need a sleeve for my lymphedema following breast cancer treatment. I tried Jin Shin Jyutsu instead, and was surprised how much the swelling went down. Now Jin Shin Jyutsu helps keep me stress-free as well as the lymphedema at bay.
— Martha Minihan
Thank you for coming. What a treat. I agree, it was very encouraging to see everyone so open to something so different to them. This is a group of people who have never seen/heard anything like this before, and when I joined the group a year 1/2 ago, it was unusual for them to have someone “different” around. So I can’t tell you how great this was! You were the perfect facilitator for the occasion, and really put them at ease. You did a great job!
-Workshop Participant
Thank you for the fantastic introduction you
provided us to Tai Chi in our meeting today in Denver.
I’ve arrived back home to Minneapolis this evening and played your DVD
and tried some of the exercises to relax after the flight home.
-Workshop Participant